Monday, May 11, 2015

Listening to the Voice of Nature and Learning how We Can All Serve the One

Peace Pilgrim said that if we smile at the world, it smiles back at us.  When we connect with the grace and innocence of our pure love, for both the animate and the inanimate world around us, then our connection with Nature's voice is awakened.  

In modern times it has become progressively easy for us to connect with other humans, but what we have forgotten is how to connect with the Natural world around us.  However, we don't have to re-invent the wheel here, we humans have been listening to the subtle communications coming to us from Nature since time began.  We've gone on vision quests and written in pictographs.  We've seen the forest as our brother and the river as our sister. Reclaiming this part of ourselves is as easy as stepping outside.  

Of course our dutiful beloved subconscious minds are always going to protect us from something we have been taught to fear.  And make no mistake about it, all of our fears have been taught to us.  We learn them from our families, our religious groups, our friends and even our government.  Unless our subconscious programming along these lines is intentionally changed, it can sabotage our attempts to open our hearts to hear Nature's voice.  Beliefs like  "People will think I'm crazy," or "I may loose my grip on reality," or "This is against my family belief system," are all scary enough to stop you in your tracks.  

This is where self love steps in.  We need to love ourselves enough to give ourselves what we need and really want in the world.  Many of us yearn for this connection with Nature and when we get whispers and glimpses of it, it brings us so much joy.

I feel that joy is the basis of our spirituality an that it is our job as humans to nourish the Universe with our joy.  So, if we'd really love to have that beautiful connection with our mother, Nature, we need to free ourselves from the tyranny of our own minds. 
Identifying our fears, so we can move through and past them, is how we do so.  Once we have become aware of them, we can use our intention plus our attention to change those old thought habit patterns and manifest new thoughts instead.

Our spiritual practices can also help us to listen to the voice of Nature.  Self love, meditation, dream interpretation and prayer all help us to calm our minds, activate our inner vision centers and connect with the Divinity in everything, including Ourselves. When we do this, we open our hearts and let the love flow.  We free ourselves to smile at the Natural word.  And then it smiles back at us.  We step into our joy with open hearts and Hear From Our Source How We Can All Serve The One.

© Josephine Laing, 2015

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