Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Envision What You'd Like to See


Fear is such a strong emotion.  It can have a very high volume.  And it can almost act like a vortex, drawing to us what we don’t want to have happen.  One of my spiritual teachers once said to me that it is important not to imagine destruction.  

Our minds are very creative and they can also direct the focus of our lives.  ‘Is the glass half empty, or is the glass half full?’  Where we hold our thoughts creates our perspective of reality.  If we think the world is terrible and going to hell, then it is.  If we think the world is beautiful and people are pretty nice, then they are.

Sure, there are stinker moments, and stinker people too, but we don't have to dwell there.  We can shift our focus and choose to see what is good and right and true, and then place our minds in a new direction and take that new path.

I feel that there is a big difference between judgement and discernment.  Judgement holds us, and others, in a particular pattern.  Discernment lets us decide what works for us and it shows us where we’d like to go.  Discernment also helps us to let go.  We no longer have to strive against the other.  We can simply let them be and direct our energies, instead, onto our own path.  And the others will either change on their own and join us, or simply fall away.

It’s a lot less stressful, really, when we follow our inspirations and go where we feel called.  So, let’s all envision what we’d like to see and then head in that direction.  My bet is that we’ll all end up with what we’d really love.  Our joy, after all, holds an equally loud volume, and it calls out to those around us to join us in the fun.  


Orchid Photo by Aleta Arthur

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